Medical Device Development – Thought Leadership
Component Selection Considerations for Sensor-Driven Medical Devices
Thoughtful component selection for sensor-driven devices can help avoid pitfalls that can derail production, force recalls, and threaten profitability. Read more in Intricon’s latest @MD&DI article.
The Big Differences Between Commercializing a Consumer Wearable vs. a Medical Wearable
Our Chief Commercial and Technology Officer, Dave Liebl, delves into this topic in his latest article for Medical Design and Development. Learn how to give your wearable device the best chance of success.
Sofia Vargas Featured in MD&O’s Women in Medtech
Sofia Vargas, Business Development Manager for Intricon Costa Rica, shares her insights on the greatest challenges and opportunities facing medtech today.
Key Considerations for Electromagnetic Sensors for Surgical Navigation
Learn more about optimizing EM sensor performance, cost, and manufacturability in this recent article by Intricon experts, published in Medical Design & Outsourcing.
Begin With the End in Mind When Developing Wearable Devices
Intricon’s Chief Commercial and Technology Officer, Dave Liebl, was recently interviewed by Design News in conjunction with his presentation at MD&M Minneapolis. Check out these highlights from his talk.
Overlooked Considerations for Wearable Biosensor Development
Material selection and effective navigation of regulatory requirements are two overlooked areas that directly impact wearable medical biosensor success. Learn more in this MD+DI article by Intricon’s Darren Gilmer and Craig Sandbulte.