
Overlooked Considerations for Wearable Biosensor Development

Material selection and effective navigation of regulatory requirements are two overlooked areas that directly impact wearable medical biosensor success.  Learn more in this MD+DI article by Intricon’s Darren Gilmer and Craig Sandbulte. 

Excerpt from the article:

The wearable medical device market is expected to reach $245 billion by 2032, driven by technology advancements, growing demand for personalized health monitoring, and an anticipated increase in degenerative diseases and lifestyle-associated disorders. This demand represents lucrative opportunities for wearable medical biosensor manufacturers, but only the fittest will succeed in a competitive market. Material selection at the design stage and effective navigation of regulatory requirements are two commonly overlooked considerations that directly impact the success of any wearable medical biosensor. Increase your chances of success by adhering to the following best practices.

Strategic material selection at the design stage

Material selection is crucial, and it’s best to identify materials during the design stage to avoid expensive delays later in the process. Strategic material selection at the design stage helps designers manage costs and improve:

  • Product reliability
  • Manufacturability
  • Replicability and scalability
  • Patient acceptance